Welcome five educational institutions joining Seafile community

We are happy to announce that in the last quarter five educational institutions joined Seafile community, including Max Plank Society (MPS) in Germany, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) in Poland, University Hannover in Germany, Institute of Informatics at the University of Zurich in Switzerland, St. Paul’s Hospital of University of British Columbia in Canada.

We are working with Max Plank Digital Library (MPDL) on the Keeper project. The Keeper project is for the exchange, storage and long-term archiving of research data. Researchers at the Max Planck Society (MPS) are required to comply with the “Rules of Good Scientific Practice” adopted by the Senate of the MPS, which include guidelines for long-term archiving of primary data for at least 10 years. The syncing performance, reliability and support for large files is critical to the success of the project. MPDL chose Seafile after throughout testing for about a year. Seafile’s high reliability and the ability to sync very large file (even 1TB in size) makes it a very satisfying solution for them.

We are also working with Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) to provide a file syncing and sharing service to universities and schools in Poland. Initially, the service will introduced to a few selected universities. After the pilot, the service will be introduced to more universities. PSNC have been using Seafile community edition for almost 2 years. They compared multiple products and find Seafile the most reliable and performant. “Users want the ‘Dropbox’ equivalent, not something else.” says Maciej Brzezniak, storage management team leader from PSNC, “Users appreciate Seafile’s performance and reliability in file syncing.”

St. Paul’s Hospital of University of British Columbia uses another product for internal file sharing and collaboration for a few years. After switching to Seafile, they find the reliability and performance of the service are much improved.

We’re looking forward to bigger developments for Seafile in educational communities in the year of 2017!

Formation of Seafile Educational Community

Educational institutes are among the biggest customers of Seafile. From file syncing to sharing, from collaboration to long-term data retention, Seafile helps educational institutes to solve many important use cases. Users from educational institutes also actively participate in the Seafile user community, providing valuable feedback and suggestions to our road map. With outstanding reliability and performance, Seafile has become a leading file sync and share solution for educational institutes.

From Sep. 26th to Sep.29th, founders and developers of Seafile Ltd. met with Seafile users from educational institutes in Europe. It was a fruitful trip and we have a lot exciting news to share. The most exciting one is the formation of Seafile educational community.

The meeting was held in Homboldt University of Berlin. Administrators/researchers from other universities and research institutes attended the meeting, including University of Mainz, University of Strasbourg, University of Hannover and PSNC of Poland. Users and Seafile developers actively exchanged ideas about Seafile’s features and development. We received many good inputs into our development road map. Seafile developers presented an outlook to the development of the next year, especially the up-coming Seafile Drive client. People showed a lot of interest to new features.

At the end of the meeting, educational users and the developers all agreed to further advocate the growth of Seafile educational community. The efforts will be lead by Homboldt University of Berlin and University of Mainz. A dedicated educational community forum (https://moodle.hu-berlin.de/course/view.php?id=67467) was set up and maintained by Homboldt University of Berlin. This will become a communication platform for all Seafile educational users to share ideas and coordinate events. More and more institutes will be joining this community. If you’re interested in joining the forum, please contact us via info@seafile.com.

After the meeting, Seafile developers went on to Munich to meet people from Max Planck Digital Library. We also met with some business partners in Germany. We’ll have more interesting news in the near future.

Welcome to the new Seafile educational community!