Seafile Adds Co-authoring to Office Online and Collabora Online Integration

The latest Seafile Pro Edition (6.0.6) adds real-time co-authoring to its integration with Microsoft Office Online Server and Collabora Online. This ability will greatly boost collaboration productivity for teams.

With real-time co-authoring, two or more users can edit a document at the same time and see each other’s changes while they’re typing. You can see the cursor location where someone is working and what they’re typing as they type, just as if they are working on your computer or device. You can hover over the cursor location and see who is making the changes.

Co-authoring  supports most modern document formats:.docx, .pptx, and .xlsx.

Integration of Collabora Online:

Co-authoring is only supported in Collabora Online 2.0. Here are some samples for co-authoring on different document types.

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Integration of Office Online:

Co-authoring is only supported in Office Online Server 2016.

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